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How do you know if it's time to update your site?

Written by Christopher Ellis | Feb 8, 2021 5:00:00 PM

Maintaining a website and active online presence is a lot of work because there are so many things to keep track of and, as a result, we sometimes get in the habit of ‘set and forget’ when it comes to our website. In an effort to help you make sure everything is looking current from an outsider’s perspective, we put together this list of some subtle (and not so subtle) ways of determining whether your website could use a refresh.

Subtle: Showcasing Dated Reviews & Testimonials

There are a number of reasons why you may be showcasing old reviews or testimonials on your website. Perhaps your reviews are uploaded manually and it’s been a while since you’ve last uploaded them? Perhaps something is wrong with the automated feed on your website so it hasn’t pulled in your most recent reviews? Regardless of the reason, it’s an easy problem to fix - just make sure to showcase your newest reviews! If you don’t have recent reviews to showcase, simply ask. You’d be surprised how many of your loyal patients would be happy to leave a positive review if they’re asked to do so.

Subtle: Hair & Eye Brow Style in Before & After Photo Galleries

Have you ever looked back at images from ten years ago and cringe at the fashion choices you made? Well, you’re not alone. If all the “Before & After” images on your site feature patients with “90s eyebrows”, “The Rachel” haircut, or “far-from-current” fashion choices - it’s time for a refresh. Luckily, DoctorLogic’s Content Multiplier not only makes it incredibly easy to add new patient testimonials, before & after photos, and videos, but it also amplifies the most relevant content pages for patients and search engines across your site. This not only helps encourage more fresh content but also helps your content gain visibility.

Not Subtle: Displaying Old Contact Info (name, address, phone number, etc.)

Few things on your website are as important as your NAP (name, address, & phone number). It is absolutely imperative that if any of those changes for any reason, it gets updated on every part of your site right away. It’s a truly terrible patient experience to call a disconnected phone number or drive to the wrong address, so if you recently changed any of your NAP please spend some time thoroughly reviewing your website, social accounts, and any ads to make sure everything is up to date.

Subtle: Dated Social Media Feed

We get it. Posting regularly on your practice’s social channels is tough and time-consuming. But since your social media channel is one of the most transparent and highly-engaged aspects of your practice’s overall brand, it definitely helps to keep it up-to-date. If you’re interested in utilizing your social channel more but are in need of some Content Marketing help, let us know!

Subtle: Featuring Old Staff Members (doctors, assistants, etc.)

Employee turnover happens. That’s alright. But you’re going to want to remove them from your website otherwise potential patients may try to book appointments with providers who are no longer there. While dedicated staff pages do help prospective patients learn about your practice, it is also worth noting that offices that experience more regular turnover may be better off without this strategy, if even temporarily. Either way, if you have dedicated staff pages - make sure they’re showing your recent staff only.

Not Subtle: Having a Non-Responsive Website

It’s 2021. At this point, if your website does not look great and work seamlessly on mobile devices it is definitely time for an upgrade. With 48.62% of all online traffic taking place on mobile devices, your practice website cannot afford to have a substandard mobile experience. Seriously! That’s why every one of DoctorLogic’s websites are built to be fully responsive so they look (and work) great on every device. Go ahead and visit your website on your phone or tablet and if it doesn’t work exactly as you’d expect, you should definitely consider upgrading.

Subtle: No Current Blogs

Check your practice blog. If your most recent post is older than 6 months then it’s time to crack out the writing pad and get to work! In all seriousness, having relevant and current content is not only beneficial for prospective patients to learn about your practice, but it’s extremely helpful for increasing your search rankings and SEO. Stick to a regular cadence, if even as little as one post a month - to get the ball rolling and start building up your library of content. And don’t forget, if you need help, DoctorLogic has a wonderful team of content writers who would be more than happy to help.

Subtle: Not Updating the Copyright Year in Your Footer

This is admittedly a small issue, but one we see far too often. If your website is not set up to automatically change the year in your footer - make sure it’s updated. It’s a small, and forgivable issue, but it is an issue nonetheless. Luckily, it’s a quick fix and can (and should) be set automatically so you never have to worry about updating it again.

Not Subtle: Old Branding

Did your practice get a new logo? Or a new color scheme? If so, make sure your fresh, new look is prominently displayed all over your website, social media, and in-office marketing materials. You certainly don’t want patients to get confused about whether or not they’re at the right practice, so make sure your new brand is up-to-date everywhere.


At the end of the day, if your website is performing well and acquiring the leads you’re hoping for, there is little reason to shake things up. On the other hand, if your website is not performing well, even after updating some (or multiple) items on this list - it’s definitely time for an update. Whether you need help with new content, reputation management, or responsive designs - DoctorLogic can help.