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New Feature: Appointment Request Forms

New Feature now available for all DoctorLogic clients.

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Your website is the most effective destination for converting leads into new patients. In the past you’ve been able to capture new leads looking to schedule appointments with your practice but typically this was handled using a customized version of a general “Contact Us” form.

With our new dedicated Appointment Request forms you’ll get a beautifully styled, mobile-friendly form designed specifically for collecting all the information needed to make setting up an appointment as simple as possible.

  • Patients can choose preferred days and times that work best for their schedule
  • Practices can collect information such as patient status, procedure, contact information, and more
  • Instantly receive an email alert after the form submitted so you can follow up with the patient and get the appointment booked

If you have a question about this feature or want to learn more, please feel free to email us.

Published on
Oct 28, 2020

Written by
Josh Feinberg